Tuesday 24 April 2012

Messy Church takes over your life!

Or at least it takes over the living room.  We have so much stuff, all essential and no-where to store it in church so it stays here at the vicarage.

April 17th                   Theme.....Prayer

I plan for a dozen or so children and find by 3.45pm we have 27 children and 18 adults!  I have to go home for more jelly beans and we use up all the colouring sheets from Good Friday...thank goodness there were lots left over.

Snack this week....... hot dogs and ketchup....very popular.

Crafts..... cotton bud painting for tinies and water colours for older children.
Printing to decorate the Jelly Bean Prayer sheet
Puzzle sheets and colouring/drawing.
Books for a quiet read.

Service a bit noisy...the Easter Garden cuts down the space where the children can sit down but we had the story of the Importunate Widow, the Lord's prayer, singing and percussion and finished with quiet hymns.

I need to make more of the laminated hymn sheets with the qiet hymns on.

I stagger off with all the cover-up shirts to wash...how does little M get paint up the sleeves to the very top?

April 24th                Theme.... I am The Bread of Life

Crafts....making bread, I make the dough at home and we all shape a bread bun, after playing with it.  Thank goodness they are cooked before eating!

Playdough with rolling pins and shape cutters... this is rather sticky so lots of flour is employed and much fun (and mess) is had by all.  Much to my surprise the bigger children head for this table as well as the tinies.
Cotton bud painting and brush painting for the older ones

Puzzle and colouring sheets.  And plain paper added to this table by popular request.

We have sandwiches as the snack this week because we need the oven to cook the bread buns.

There are at least as many as last week.....J is trying to keep a register.

Fr D tells the story of Feeding the 5,000 and illustrates by sharing one of the very bread buns we have just baked.  Everyone is most impressed!

We need to keep the service part VERY short because some of the children have incredibly short attention spans.

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