Burn's Night! We set up and laid the tables yesterday and all the cooking is done so all
we have to do today is collect the bread and plug in the slow
cookers. J and B are cooking the haggis, neeps and tatties and that
will go into the hostess trolley so no-one should be in the kitchen
at all after about 6pm.
5pm Our friends have not arrived yet. I hope they left enough time
for the journey as they are bringing the vegan haggis for the non
meat eaters.
6pm U arrives, rather late.. ….hold up on the motorway. He's our
MC and a genuine Scot. He changes hastily into his kilt etc and we then discover we need a lead to connect the laptop to the church music system. Completely forgotten about the vagaries of our system. Desperate phone call and one arrives.
Still no sign of our friends. We finish
setting up. I fit in 2 extra places, 1 I'd forgotten about and 1 for
a favour to a friend. The trifles have arrived safely, including an
enormous one which will feed at least 20. The cheese and oat cakes are ready so all we need are the people.
7.15pm folk are beginning to arrive, some in highland garb and most
clutching bottles of wine and whisky. Looks like it will be a good
7.30pm We should be starting but as the chap doing one of the
speeches is not here yet we'll have to wait a bit. Our friends have
arrived and so their haggis goes into the microwave. What did we do
before microwaves?
At last everyone, bar 2, is here so we start. Introductions for those who have never experienced a Burn's Night Supper followed
by good homemade soup. The missing 2 arrive and tuck in. There's a
quiz for folk to do as the evening goes on, prize a bottle of whisky
and people are getting going on that. U asks if we have organised
the haggis procession and of course we've forgotten so friend and son
are hastily instructed and 4 bottles of whisky borrowed. One has
been opened so let's hope it doesn't leak.
The address to the haggis leaves many bemused (most of us are not
Scots) but we laugh as the friend, son and U knock back their whisky
in one (son was not expecting that!) and we all join in with more
moderate sips. The meal continues, haggis course followed by beef /
chicken casserole, then trifle, cheese, biscuits and coffee.
So then to the speeches. The address to the lassies is a lovely
tribute to we ladies. My reply is a bit more barbed, filled out with
jokes sent via the internet, but it seems to be received OK. Then
we have a couple of songs and U does his tribute to Rabbie Burns. The
quiz is sorted and the prizes awarded. The dirty plates etc are
piled into bags ready to go to the vicarage dishwasher and the
dancing commences with a Gay Gordon's.
As the evening and drinking continue the dancing becomes
increasingly hilarious and folk who didn't think they could dance or
would want to dance discover that actually they can and so they do. Eventually we realisse we will have to finish to allow folk to get home so Auld Lang Syne it is.
11.30pm Time to stagger home and load the dishwasher. Everyone seems to
have had an excellent time so we book U for the last Friday in
January 2013 and put out the empties.
As we leave my friend S, who did a lot of the cooking, suggests a barn
dance. What a good idea. We'll have to look into it.
useful links
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