Sunday, 1 April 2012

Messy Church 2

Messy Church
Week 2....what to expect?
Numbers are down...naturally. It is a beautiful day and many will have headed for the local park; some will have assumed last week was a one-off; some may not have enjoyed it; the bug may have got others.
Anyway, in they come and head for planting seeds, stencils, pipe cleaner flowers. 

K makes ham and cheese sandwiches, which the youngsters fall on as if they haven't eaten since last week. Peace descends.

Our keyboard player arrives and sets up.
Suddenly it's 4.30pm and I'm still rubber stamping with a small group.
Leap into action, ringing bells wildly and gradually everyone gets into the sanctuary. We have a couple of short hymns then it's story time. I have plastic eggs with fluffy chicks inside as an illustration of 'New Life'. Mayhem ensues but I get them all back eventually.
A percussion accompaniment hymn next then quiet time for prayers.
Our going home hymns follow and then everyone collects their works of art/ seed pots and heads off home.

clip art from clip art guide


In spite of the fact that we stress that Messy Church happens EVERY week, bar Christmas week and August, by 3.40pm no-one has arrived so I start to pack away the craft stuff. I have severe doubts about the Easter egg hunt anyway; it's turned very cols today and is trying to rain. The best laid plans...........

3.45pm L arrives with her Mum, M, and we have a great time making cards and finger puppets. K has made pizzas today and we share them.

K and M ask about tomorrow's Passover and book in with their children.

As we finish up M arrives to help set up Passover.

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